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I found an article about processing Common Crawl data in parallel.

Decided to try same thing using SCOOP.

import io
import csv
import gzip
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request

import scoop
import scoop.futures

def read_gzip(url):
    with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as response:
        yield from

def get_themes(url):
    themes = []
    domain = None
    theme_path = b'wp-content/themes/''parsing: %s' % url)
    for line in read_gzip(url):
        if line.startswith(b'WARC-Target-URI:'):
            domain = line[17:].decode('utf-8').strip()
            domain = urllib.parse.urlparse(domain).netloc
        elif theme_path in line:
            start = line.index(theme_path) + len(theme_path)
            end = line.find(b'/', start)
            if end >= 0:
                themes.append((domain, line[start:end].decode('utf-8')))
    return themes

def main():
    lines = read_gzip('')
    paths = ['' + x.decode('utf-8').strip() for x in lines]
    with open('results.csv', 'w', newline='') as f:
        writer = csv.writer(f)
        writer.writerow(['domain', 'theme'])
        for result in, paths):
            for domain, theme in result:
                writer.writerow([domain, theme])

if __name__ == "__main__":

SCOOP allows to run scripts on multiple cores locally or on multiple remote machines via ssh. In order to do that, you need to install SCOOP and this script on each machine and list those machines in a hosts file, that will be read by SCOOP. Server setup part probably can be done with Ansible.

I tried to run this scripts on two servers, each server takes about 15 minutes to download one ~800 Mb warc file and 2.5 minutes to process it.

All processing is done by reading streams, so there is no need for extra storage on server nodes.

Here is how I run it:

python -m scoop --hostfile hosts --tunnel --python-interpreter /tmp/scoops/bin/python -p /tmp/scoops