Hello ASGI
Python programming language has WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) standard, where web servers can talk to apps using same standartized protocol. Simplest WSGI application looks like this:
import json def wsgi(environ, start_response): start_response('200 OK', [ ('Content-Type', 'application/json'), ]) yield json.dumps(environ, default=repr).encode()
{ "wsgi.errors": "<gunicorn.http.wsgi.WSGIErrorsWrapper object at 0x7fe381c1aef0>", "wsgi.version": [1, 0], "wsgi.multithread": false, "wsgi.multiprocess": false, "wsgi.run_once": false, "wsgi.file_wrapper": "<class 'gunicorn.http.wsgi.FileWrapper'>", "SERVER_SOFTWARE": "gunicorn/19.7.1", "wsgi.input": "<gunicorn.http.body.Body object at 0x7fe381c1af60>", "gunicorn.socket": "<socket.socket fd=9, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 8000), raddr=('', 59066)>", "REQUEST_METHOD": "GET", "QUERY_STRING": "", "RAW_URI": "/", "SERVER_PROTOCOL": "HTTP/1.1", "HTTP_HOST": "localhost:8000", "HTTP_USER_AGENT": "curl/7.59.0", "HTTP_ACCEPT": "*/*", "HTTP_CONNECTION": "Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings", "HTTP_UPGRADE": "h2c", "HTTP_HTTP2_SETTINGS": "AAMAAABkAARAAAAAAAIAAAAA", "wsgi.url_scheme": "http", "REMOTE_ADDR": "", "REMOTE_PORT": "59066", "SERVER_NAME": "", "SERVER_PORT": "8000", "PATH_INFO": "/", "SCRIPT_NAME": "" }
Now there is a new standard emerging, called ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface). This new standard tries to fix WSGI limitations and provides more flexible interface, that can support multiple protocols like HTTP, HTTP/2, WebSockets and others. In addition ASGI provides possibility to use asyncio in web apps. Simples ASGI application looks like this:
import json def asgi(scope): async def chat(receive, send): await receive() await send({ 'type': 'http.response.start', 'status': 200, 'headers': [ [b'Content-Type', b'application/json'], ], }) await send({ 'type': 'http.response.body', 'body': json.dumps(scope, default=bytes.decode).encode(), }) await send({ 'type': 'http.disconnect', }) return chat
{ "type": "http", "http_version": "2", "method": "GET", "path": "/", "root_path": "", "scheme": "https", "query_string": "", "headers": [ ["host", "localhost:8000"], ["user-agent", "curl/7.59.0"], ["accept", "*/*"] ], "client": ["", 59012], "server": ["", 8000] }
ASGI is a bit more complicated, but gives support for modern web protocols and asyncio.