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Test one thing in one test function

When writing tests, we usually want to test multiple things in one test function. We do that, because this way we need to write less. For example:

import pytest
import sqlite3

def db():
    conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
    conn.execute('CREATE TABLE t (key TEXT, val TEXT)')
    return conn

def test_sqlite(db):
    # setup
    db.execute('INSERT INTO t (key, val) VALUES ("foo", "bar")')

    # test 1
    c = db.execute('SELECT * FROM t;')
    assert list(c) == [('foo', 'bar')]

    # test ...

    # test N
    c = db.execute('SELECT * FROM t WHERE key = "foo";')
    assert list(c) == [('foo', 'bar')]

Here we have a test, where two separate things are tested. It is convenient to write tests this way, because we only need to do setup once and then test multiple things on the same setup.

Lets assume, that we wrote sqlite3 module our tests fail at test N step. We need to debug what is going one. Usually debuggin requires to hook into for example db.execute and print some things or run a debugger like pdb.

Since failure is only happens on last test N step, db.execute debugging becomse quite complicated, because in this one test we run db.execute multiple times. That means, we will see too much irrelevant output, which makes it difficult to see only relevate output from our last test N step.

Usually I end up splitting such tests into many separate tests in order to make debugging easier. For example, this test above could be split like this:

def data(db):
    db.execute('INSERT INTO t (key, val) VALUES ("foo", "bar")')

def test_sqlite_1(db, data):
    c = db.execute('SELECT * FROM t;')
    assert list(c) == [('foo', 'bar')]

def test_sqlite_N(db, data):
    c = db.execute('SELECT * FROM t WHERE key = "foo";')
    assert list(c) == [('foo', 'bar')]

Now that is much better. I can run just test_sqlite_N and when debuggin, I will see only relevant output.